Tag Archives: breakfast

“The Secret to Good Writing is to Avoid Quiches” Spinach & Feta Quiche

The husband and I got a baby pug a couple of  months ago, and she was injured and then this weekend was injured again.  Both of these injuries were from events that we had absolutely no control over, so I think we’re both in the bargaining stage of grief.  Since veterinarians do not work for free, the husband and I have a new challenge which is to avoid spending money on groceries and basically eat everything in our pantry.  I think an occasional trip to the fruit/vegetable market will be allowed, so I don’t end up with scurvy or some other random vitamin deficiency.  Anyways, stay tuned for some creative recipes, because we have a lot of rice and pasta and only so many canned tomatoes.  On the bright side, our spice rack is fully stocked and so is our fridge but the goal is to attempt to go until the end of April.

I had some eggs that weren’t going to last much longer so that was the inspiration for this quiche.

“Don’t be so quiche” Spinach & Feta Quiche


  • Pre-made pie crust (just to make life easy for you)
  • 2-3oz crumbled feta (low fat works just fine)
  • 6oz frozen spinach (or half a bag)
  • 1 whole medium sized onion chopped
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • 5 eggs

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

2) Heat olive oil in a skillet and add onion and frozen spinach, cook until the onion is soft and a little translucent. Set aside to cool.



3) While that stuff is cooling, crack 5 eggs into a container and beat until the whole thing is yellow.


4) Get your pie crust, add your spinach mixture, add feta over your spinach mixture, add egg over that.


5) Cook for 45 minutes in oven.


I made two of these, because two pie crusts came in my package. I froze one and it reheated OOOOOOOOOOOOOKAY. I cooked the quiche according to the directions and then froze it.  When I was ready to eat it, I ended up putting the frozen quiche into  a 400 degree oven for about 45 minutes and the eggs were a little chewier but it was edible.  Not something I’d serve to company, but it’ll be 4-5 days of breakfast for me! (The husband will not touch a quiche)

Spinach & Goat Cheese Crustless Quiche

I made a huge portion of Martha Stewart’s Mac & Cheese this past week and after a week of consuming that and Lean Cuisines. (because I get lazy and love sodium!) It’s time to spend the week eating less fatty things and less pre-packaged things. I am starting this Sunday off with a crustless quiche that I can reheat for breakfast this week. (Protein? Yes please.)  I have a hard time eating breakfast because the last thing I want to do as I drag myself out of bed is eat anything, ANYTHING… so this quiche may be a little bland to some.  If I were making it for lunch/dinner, I’d add some green onions to the top after 15 minutes of baking so they would set in or substitute leeks for red onion.  And if I weren’t making this as a healthier alternative to my favorite Dunkin’ Donuts sammich — I’d also add about 4oz smoked Gouda or cheddar during the layering process.

Spinach & Goat Cheese Crustless Quiche

  • 10 eggs
  • 5-6oz fresh spinach, washed
  • 1 cup diced red onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 3-4oz crumbled goat cheese (you can learn how to crumble your own goat cheese here… I just buy the prepackaged stuff because I have stuff to do, yo)
  • 4oz cottage cheese (you can get away with using fat free for this recipe)
  • cooking spray
  • 2TBS olive oil
  • 1 TBS Mrs. Dash or your favorite seasoning that makes eggs tasty
  • 1 TSP ground pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
  2. In a skillet saute onion and garlic in olive oil on medium high heat until the onion gets a little lighter and clearer and then add spinach. Saute until spinach is wilted. Remove from heat.
  3. Gently beat 10 eggs in separate bowl add your Mrs. Dash, pepper or other favorite eggy secrets
  4. Spay 8 x 8 glass pan or glass pie pan with cooking spray.
  5. Add spinach/onion/garlic mixture to bottom of pan.
  6. Layer cottage cheese and goat cheese.
  7. Pour in egg mixture
  8. Bake for 30-40 minutes depending on your desired level of browning.